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All Speakers Summit sponsors Delegates
  • Jointly Develop Conference Agenda Topics to Promote Industry Development

    Jointly Develop Conference Agenda Topics to Promote Industry Development

    As a speaker, you will be involved in the design of the agenda and issues, and your ideas and advocacy will be reflected in the agenda. In addition, it will enter the vision of decision makers of over 20,000 through precision marketing.
  • Build Personal and Corporate Brands through Sharing

    Build Personal and Corporate Brands through Sharing

    Through the speech, share your strength, team, achievement to obtain the industry decision maker, the government department's approval, sets up the individual, the enterprise brand. Professional and detailed sharing will be delivered to industry practitioners through 500 decision makers on site.
  • Integrate Resources. Build Business Ecological Alliance

    Integrate Resources. Build Business Ecological Alliance

    It is impossible to stand out in the fierce industry competition in the current market by doing it alone. It is increasingly important to establish business ecological alliance and realize the closed-loop development of the industrial chain. Through speaking and sharing, you can communicate with 500 industry decision makers face to face and realize the idea of building business ecological alliance.
  • Share Strategies. Participate in The Formulation of Industry Standards

    Share Strategies. Participate in The Formulation of Industry Standards

    Your wonderful speech will brainstorm with 500 high-end management and policy making experts from the industry to share your views on the industry and corporate strategy, which will affect the formulation of industry standards, new industry division of labor and new business model generation. What is more important is your thinking perspective on industry, market and management.
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